Welcome to day three of the useaffiliates.com build log! This series covers my journey of building a business from scratch in public. If you missed day two, you could check it out here. I also uploaded today's Twitch stream to YouTube if you want to watch the replay.
When looking at the numbers of my Indie Hackers post, I was bummed to see that it didn’t get all that many views. Now instead of flipping my desk over and calling it quits, it gave me an idea:
Why not cross-post this entire series to see where the traffic is at? Surely, there has to be an audience somewhere, right? At the very least, I know by the end of the series how each platform works 😅
So there I was this morning, copy and pasting my blog to Indiehackers, Medium, Dev.to, and my blog. Don’t worry; I applied a canonical link to the first three so that my SEO doesn’t suffer.
While publishing the post to all these platforms, I concluded that my thumbnail sucked. I wanted to give a sneak peek of what I am building and use the orange to stand out more from the other posts.
I don’t have a way of measuring the success of switching thumbnails, but I am pretty pleased with how it turned out! Maybe we’ll tweak it a bit more in the future to see if we can make a difference in clicks.
I planned to spend the remainder of the week finishing the UI, but I completed 90% of the design after about two hours today. It didn’t need that many revisions, and the things that are still a little whacky in the design, I will fix while working on the front-end.
I mean, I love Figma, but I am not that much of an expert on it yet. Some changes are easier to make once I’ve got everything in React components. 🥰
As far as the design I finished: